Steering Committee

Name Parent Organization Position
青木 愼也
Aoki Sinya
CCS/Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba Director/Professor
橋本 省二
Hashimto Shoji
Institute of Materials Structure Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Deputy Director/Professor
牧野 淳一郎
Makino Jun’ichiro
Division of Theoretical Astronomy, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Deputy Director/Professor
梅村 雅之
Umemura Masayuki
CCS/Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba Deputy Director of CCS/Professor
矢花 一浩
Yabana Kazuhiro
CCS/Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba Professor
佐藤 三久
Sato Mitsuhisa
CCS/Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba Director of CCS/Professor
朴 泰祐
Boku Taisuke
CCS/Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba Deputy Director of CCS/Professor
石川 正
Ishikawa Tadashi
Computing Research Center, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Associate Professor
櫻井 鉄也
Sakurai Tetsuya
CCS/Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba Professor
湯浅 富久子
Yuasa Fukuko
Computing Research Center, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Associate Professor
富阪 幸治
Tomisaka Kohji
Division of Theoretical Astronomy, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Professor
藏増 嘉伸
Kuramashi Yoshinobu
CCS/Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba Associate Professor
初田 哲男
Hatsuda Tetsuo
Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo Professor
大塚 孝治
Otsuka Takaharu
Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo Director/Professor
中務 孝
Nakatsukasa Takashi
RIKEN Nishina Center Associate Chief Researcher
柴田 大
Shibata Masaru
Yukawa Institute, Kyoto University Professor
松元 亮治
Matsumoto Ryoji
Graduate School of Science, Chiba University Professor