カテゴリー別アーカイブ: pickup

Getting to the Heart of Matter
Visiting Italian researcher is seeking to understand what keeps quarks in confinement

Just one month after obtaining his PhD in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) from Pisa University in Italy, Guido Co … 続きを読む

カテゴリー: MJ, pickup | Getting to the Heart of Matter
Visiting Italian researcher is seeking to understand what keeps quarks in confinement

Guido Cossu “Lo zen del bosone di Higgs”(Italian ed.), goWare (Sep.18, 2012)

Guido Cossu “Lo zen del bosone di Higgs”(Italian Edition), goWare (September 18, 2012) Book Descri … 続きを読む

カテゴリー: information, pickup | Guido Cossu “Lo zen del bosone di Higgs”(Italian ed.), goWare (Sep.18, 2012) はコメントを受け付けていません
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