[[1 線形方程式の解法の選択]]&br;
[[2 参考文献および参考書の記述]]&br;
線形方程式, &math(Ax=b); >>> 実非対称/複素非エルミート, &math(A\not=A^H); >>> 高速性重視 >>> 改良法: >>> Bi-CGSTAB(l) 法


*概要 [#y3ea2a69]

*参考文献および参考書 [#hb27780a]

**原著論文 [#k6e6e3f7]
[17] Gerard L. G. Sleijpen and Diederik R. Fokkema, BiCGStab(l) for linear equations involving unsymmetric matrices with complex spectrum, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 1993; 1:11–32.

**教科書 [#hbdb81e2]
[27] Henk A. van der Vorst, Iterative Krylov Methods for Large Linear Systems, Cambridge University
Press: New York, NY, 2003.&br;

[23] Masaaki Sugihara and Kazuo Murota, Theoretical Numerical Linear Algebra, Iwanami Press:
Tokyo, 2009, (in Japanese).&br;

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